Sunday 22 September 2013

Of live music and mud(Part 1)

I'm pretty tired right now so bear with me if this post is a bit long-winded/confused.

The weekend was spent in Launceston. Good company provided good fun. Ultimate in the morning-afternoon. I was pretty out of form though, so I mostly chilled at the sidelines or worked as a role player on the field. Definitely need to work on consistency there! We layout drills after the games since the grass was so soft. I'll always think of layout drills as bringing out the inner seal now thanks to Dahlia! Hahah.

Me, Isaac, Leo, and Rachel had decided to stay the night and join the Tassie Mud Run the next day. Pat and Angus stayed as well though they didn't join the Mud Run. We stayed over at Huddy's. Huddy is an intern at Launceston from Queensland. Me and Isaac played with him in Regionals this year. We saw an unexpected side of him this visit- he's planning to leave for the USA if he gets through the USMLE, because of a girl! Hmmm.

We had dinner at Three Steps on George. It was a really chill place- a barbecue at the bottom of a long flight of steps, in a small garden, secluded from the streets and the lights outside. Made it feel like we were in someone's private garden, but it was close enough to the city to keep a feeling of possibility alive.. close enough for the night to feel young :P. Interestingly enough, I enjoyed the cider there. The alcohol was light enough, so it didn't make me nauseous. Then we headed to Irish Murphy's.

Live music was on the menu at Irish Murphy's(which we got into because people can't recognise Asian faces and names, I'd forgotten my ID and used Leo's Singapore one instead. He used his Tassie one.). The music was so loud that I felt my left ear was still a little deaf by the end of the night, and the bass so strong that I could feel the vibrations throughout my body. I guess that does help dancing in a way, or maybe I got more used to the music these few months. While I'm usually pretty stiff/awkward at dancing, I was a little better that night. Maybe it's progress!

I was supposed to go to Darshan's place and try his sambal+ maggi goreng but we finished the session at 2am so I just stayed over at Huddy's. We stayed for about 2 whole sets and were only done about 1.15am! The band's selection of songs was pretty good, and their playing was pretty neat, too. Took me a while to understand the allure of live music but here in Aussie, the performers seem pretty enthusiastic and into their songs, even in a small town like Launceston. Buskers in Tassie are also pretty good, and get quite a bit of donation. We took a picture with the drummer of the band afterwards since the singer had already headed into their private room for some rest.

I guess it has to do with how passionate the people are about their community. They're really into supporting their own. It's easy to support causes/organisations that you believe in, and the people working for those causes are very active in working to improve the community's quality of life. There're programs where you can learn to make a bike from spare parts donated by people and keep it afterwards, the supermarkets help collect donations for local schools and other other local organisations, there're really cool activities like the Mud Run. While local Malaysian organisations do organise some cool stuff, I don't think it's as common or widespread as it is here in Tasmania, nor does it impact the local's lives as much. I might be wrong here, do correct me if that's the case.

I'll probably try looking out for good live music in Malaysia when I get back. I suspect it'll be a little difficult, though. What do you guys think?

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